How we work.

At Maycaj Ideas, we make it easy for you to make so much money with no stress at all. We have packages for Side Hustle, and Shop Owner as well. We sell at wholesale prices to registered customers, and at retail prices to non-registered customers.

Side Hustle:
This package is for starters who want to go into a lucrative side hustle. With this package, you have your time to yourself and you can do other things while making money from the comfort of your phone and at your own pace.
How does it work? With a phone, internet, and social media presence, you're good to go.
  • Select fabrics from our store
  • Post them on your status (Whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram) for sale with your price
  • Market them to your contacts
  • Customers pay you for the fabrics and delivery
  • You pay us for the fabrics and delivery
  • And we help you deliver directly to your customers.
So you see just like that, easy-peasy you start smiling to the bank.
Shop Owner:
This type of package is for business owners who already have a shop. We sell to you at the best wholesale prices while you in turn enjoy a good return on investment. As our amiable customers, it is our responsibility to serve you with the best of the bests and ensure you are always happy with what you get.
we can help you resell your fabrics after you have already purchased them. There are situations where a customer (Customer A) has just bought every single yard of a certain fabric from our stock, then another customer (Customer B) needs that particular fabric. We can help Customer B purchase the fabrics from Customer A at Customer A’s new price. With Maycaj Ideas, everybody wins!!!

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